Ficamos super felizes em receber o reconhecimento pelo trabalho dessa imagem e ganhar o segundo lugar no primeiro concurso do CGBOOST. A comunidade do Facebook conta com mais de 13 mil membros e mais de 120 imagens concorreram nessa estréia.
Definitivamente estas são ótimas oportunidades de evoluir como artista ao mesmo tempo que se concorre a prêmios relacionados a criação de conteúdo e aperfeiçoamento profissional (video aulas).
Parabéns a todos os envolvidos! Foi muito organizado e a interação da comunidade foi bem construtiva lá na comunidade também!
Um pouco sobre o processo:
“I sticked to my first idea: “And after plundering the island there they go in an attempt to escape. Storms or dragons do not seem to intimidate them.”
I’m not familiar with ships, so I took many references as possible to start understanding what is a sailing ship. Then, starting block building my composition.
One of the things I’m learning in this process is the need to optmise the scene, prepare and separete the elements in passes so when we render we don’t need to waste time re-rendering that object wich has not changed making the rendering time bigger and the interface slow as well. Well, it’s important keeping the flowing of the decision taking as fast as possible. It was killing me have to wait for minutes to see a simple change making effect.
I used EEVEE for rendering due to the quick feedback on PBR and for the clouds (volume absorption shading). I’d prefer to use Cycles for light consistency but I wasn’t sure if I would be able to get the final render in time. It took me 2 weeks, not working every day but when I had time I worked exhaustively on that. It was my toughest effort putting together a CG piece with all the elements and story telling. This is the first attempt in a contest and the challenge it offers make us transcend our skills as a CG artist/content creator. Some moments I though I would give up (like other complex projects in the past) but this time I made till the end. Hard to say that it is ready, because the more I see the final result more things I think could be improved. After all, I’m happy to compose a decent piece overall so far, I enjoy looking to it, hope you do too. Other entries are looking epic, with great concepts and implementation too. Thanks for the opportunity guys.”
Created using Blender and Photoshop.
O que os jurados disseram:
Chris Plush: “I loved everything about this scene, and every element was well done. Great attention to detail and story telling.”
Aidy Burrows: “Lots of energy in this shot, using every means of locomotion through the air possible with wings, engines and balloon, a risky move with all that fire and lightning though.”
Lukas Walzer: “A really dramatic and cinematic composition, perfectly showing off the main elements and dragging the viewer into the midst of this epic battle.”
Serhii Antropov (Hum3D): “I like that the work has a story. Also, the artist made a good composition with the right points.”
Gregory Smith: “All action in this image, with a dynamic camera angle and dramatic colour choice. The additional 2D elements really add to the feeling of movement, and provide a clear and distinctive narrative. The ship is well modelled and textured.”
Julien Kaspar: “Solid presentation and lots of details to keep you interested.”
Zacharias Reinhardt: “The great composition and the pleasing use of color and light makes this rendering a winner for me. The technical execution of the flying ship and the storytelling aspects add to an overall great artwork.”